Mission Statement Robert Stolz Museum

OUR MISSION | What do we stand for

We aspire to create an inclusive museum that anyone and everyone can enjoy. We want to convey the life and music of Robert Stolz to a diverse audience.

OUR GOALS | What we want to achieve as an educational institution

We want to inspire a new, highly diverse audience to enjoy music. We do not want to exclude anyone. Inclusive engagement with music has value to all people and enriches society at every level.

We want to offer people with disabilities a way to enjoy the museum in a self-determined, equal manner. We consider people with disabilities an asset and appreciate how they enrich all our projects.

We would like to breathe new life into Robert Stolz’s work and make his music more tangible and approachable to younger audiences so they too can enjoy it. Our goal is to create a place where visitors can play around with music. We never want this place to be boring; it should instead encourage visitors to be curious about both music and Robert Stolz himself.

OUR VISION | How we want to achieve our goals

We bring Robert Stolz and his music into the present and involve all our visitors, with and without disabilities, in our work.

We create a space of togetherness and mutual appreciation. We welcome everyone and offer space for a relaxed stay. We see inclusion as something that is always changing. We can always learn something new and train our staff to assist all people.

Our museum provides a space to experience music in different ways. This is how we enable everyone to participate. Visitors can not only listen to music but encounter it in a variety of surprising ways. Various forms of knowledge transfer, such as hands-on exhibits, workshops, concerts or dance evenings, invite all people to engage deeply with music. Thus, the power of music makes a meeting of generations possible. In this context, Robert Stolz acts as the bridge between the different groups of people that visit us. Due to his attitude towards National Socialism, he is a role model for social commitment, tolerance and civil courage.

OUR VALUES | What our work is based on

  • We stand for the appreciation of the work of Robert Stolz and his love of music.
  • We value inclusion and implement it at all levels.
  • As a public cultural institution and a space for learning opportunities outside the classroom, we serve both an appreciation of culture and our diverse groups of visitors.
  • We pay attention to the fundamental and respectful treatment of our visitors, employees and partners.
  • We pay attention to the careful use of all resources and strive to raise internal awareness on the topic of sustainable museums.