Logo of Salon Stolz

Welcome to Salon Stolz!

The new museum is for children, families and music enthusiasts.

Here you can discover music in a playful way and experiment with music.
In the exhibition you will get to know the Graz conductor and composer Robert Stolz.

We want to give everyone access to classical music.

Visit the dance theater “Melodia” to join in, play melody memory or build sound spaces – there is something for everyone to discover in Salon Stolz!


Banner mit Logo des Österreichischen Inklusionspreises, Grafik mit übereinander gelegten Köpfen
Violinist Peter Szasz und pianist Daeun Song© Peter Szasz
A guest in the salon

The concert café with Peter Szasz

12 March 2025 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Violinist Peter Szasz and pianist Daeun Song present a mix of soulful melodies, virtuoso dances and spirited sounds from Johannes Brahms to Pablo de Sarasate and Edward Elgar.
A concert experience that combines coffee house atmosphere and a musical delight!

For adults and children aged 6 and over
Admission: voluntary donation
No registration required

Tänzerinnen und Besucher*innen tanzen auf der Bühne© stella
Dance theatre Melodia

Dance Theatre “Melodia”

Friday to Saturday at 4 p.m.

A dance theater to watch and participate in.
Two dancers tell the story of Robert Stolz through dance. The combination of image projections, music and dance makes the dance theater a very special experience. Dancing along is encouraged!

calendar on orange background© freepik
Calendar overview

Current events

Your visit

Get to know the life and melodies of Robert Stolz! Salon Stolz is the perfect venue to engage with music in a variety of usual and unusual ways. Visitors can dance to and experience Robert Stolz’s lively melodies with all their senses. At Salon Stolz, all are welcome to embark on a journey of discovery through time itself.

Mon to Fri: 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sat, Sun, holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

During the holidays: 10.00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Groups are also welcome in the mornings by prior arrangement.

On 24 December the Salon is open until 2 pm. The salon is closed on 25 and 26 December and on 31 December and 1 January.

During opening hours you can visit Salon Stolz at any time without an appointment.

Note for concert days:
The museum area is closed on concert days (Wednesdays).

For your visit to the dance hall, you must reserve a place in advance, which you can be done under Admission & Reservation.

Assistance persons have free admission. Assistance dogs can be brought along free of charge without prior reservation.

By car

Salon Stolz is located on Theodor-Körner-Straße.

There is little traffic and cars drive slowly.

There are numerous angled Blue Zone parking spaces along Theodor-Körner-Straße.

A pedestrian traffic light is located directly in front of the entrance path to Salon Stolz. You can cross the street there safely and slowly.

Public parking spaces for people with disabilities are available directly in front of Salon Stolz. Here, you can find them marked on a map of Graz.

By public transport

The stop directly in front of Salon Stolz is called “Seniorenzentrum.” You can reach this stop with tram lines 3 and 5 and with bus lines 41 and 62.

If you are travelling to us from the city centre, you must cross the street at the pedestrian traffic light right next to the public transport stop.


Theodor-Körner-Straße 67
8010 Graz

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#forall people from 3 years: € 4,00

Dance show Melodia:
Individual visitors: € 6,10
Groups: € 5,10

Combi ticket exhibition and dance theater “Melodia”:
#for all people from 3 years: € 8,00

#for all people from 3 years: € 5,50

Reservation Dance Theatre:
Play it safe and reserve your ticket at reservierung@salonstolz.at. Groups can book an individual date.

The dance show my not be suitable for those with epilepsy or on the autism spectrum. The dance show takes place in a dark room. There are very bright, moving lights on the ground. You are welcome to visit the room before you purchase your dance show ticket or make your reservation! Simply ask the staff at the ticket office of Salon Stolz during opening hours.

24-hour ticket
for Salon Stolz, Graz Children’s Museum FRida & freD and Fairytale Express Graz
Children: € 13,50
Adults: € 15,50

Available at all three locations. Valid for 24 hours. Does not include FRida & freD: KNOPFtheater performances and paid workshops, Salon Stolz: dance show “Melodia”.

Salon Stolz welcomes you even before entering the building. A tactile paving guidance system takes you from the street towards the entrance.

A tactile building plan of Salon Stolz is located under the large roof that hangs over the entrance. This tactile model provides you with initial information. You can additionally hear, touch and experience Robert Stolz’s music in sign language in the entrance area.

The ground guidance system leads directly to the main entrance, which has an automatic sliding glass door.

Once you arrive in the building, go to the ticket office first. The ticket office is straight ahead from the main entrance and on your left.

Straight ahead past the ticket office, you find a staircase and a lift. They will take you to the second exhibition level.

There are also two barrier-free bathrooms. There are lockers for your bags or clothes next to the bathrooms.

Exterior view of the entrance area of Salon Stolz. A high roof on narrow pillars.

“Servus, du!” – Meeting Robert Stolz

Hear, feel and see the marvellous conductor’s lively music.

Here, you encounter the melodies of Robert Stolz for the first time.

Study – Getting to know Robert Stolz

Marvel at and feel selected personal items with all your senses.

Here, you can explore the life of Robert Stolz in more detail. The documentary “Robert Stolz – Musik für Generationen” (Robert Stolz ‒ Music for Generations) takes you on a journey through the life and works of the Graz composer and conductor.

Music Pavilion – Discover music in a playful way

Tinker around, compose and combine, and listen carefully to the music.

Seven stations on the tables invite you to engage with the music of Robert Stolz.

  • Melodic Memory
  • Soundscapes and Sound Stories
  • Composition Machine
  • Conducting Game
  • Musical Dice
  • Musical Experiments
  • Game tables

The Music Pavilion (including the garden) can also be booked for small concerts and other programmes via the contact form.

Stage of Life – Over nine decades of Robert Stolz

In conversation with his piano and many other musical instruments, Robert Stolz talks about his work as a conductor and composer. How did he manage to remain successful as a musician for so long? What melodies would he create today?

Dance Hall – Experiencing Robert Stolz

Watch and participate in the dance show.

What makes the “Melodia” dance show so great is not just the dance floor or the beautiful image-scapes but the music and the dancers too, which are an essential part of the show. Let us tell you a fantastic story from Robert Stolz’s childhood in Graz. Even back then, he was already dreaming of his later life as a composer and conductor.

The Dance Hall can also be used for other events and programmes, and bookings can be made via the contact form.

Participate in the “Melodia” dance show. You can buy your ticket for the dance show on site or reserve it in advance.

At Salon Stolz, we want to welcome everyone. Therefore, we designed the museum to be easily accessible and barrier-free.

A guidance system helps visitors to navigate Salon Stolz.

The exhibition and our other offerings can be experienced through several senses. Everything is easy to understand.

Our on-site staff is happy and more than ready to support you during your visit.

We also provide information in braille, tactile writing, sign language and plain language.

Visitors using sign language

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“Welcome to Salon Stolz. Here, you can get to know Robert Stolz and his wonderful music in a unique way. You can feel the music, dance to it and get to know it through sign language.

Admission to the Dance Hall is not included in the regular ticket. If you want to visit the Dance Hall, you can buy a ticket on site or reserve it under Admission & Reservation in advance.
There is a building plan near the entrance to Salon Stolz with general information about the premises, bathrooms, cloakrooms, and more.
The museum has many different areas. In the Study to the left of the entrance, you can learn about the life of Robert Stolz in detail.

In the Music Pavilion, you can experiment with music on game tables. On the Stage of Life just past the staircase, you can go on a musical journey through the works of Robert Stolz in sign language. In the Dance Hall, you can dance to the musical creations that have accompanied the life of Robert Stolz. If you would like to experience the dance theatre in Austrian sign language, please let us know when booking your ticket or at the box office on site. For further questions, feel free to ask the staff at the ticket office. They are happy to help! We hope you have a wonderful time at Salon Stolz and enjoy experiencing the music!”

Visitors with hearing aids

There are audio induction loops in all exhibition areas.

Salon Stolz is fully accessible with a hearing aid.

Visitors with a mobility cane

With the help of the public tactile paving guidance system, you can easily find the entrance to Salon Stolz from the “Seniorenzentrum” public transport stop. If you are travelling to us from the city centre by tram line 3 or 5, you must cross the street at the pedestrian traffic light right next to the tram stop. If you come from Andritz, the tram stops right in front of Salon Stolz.

The public tactile paving guidance system will indicate when you need to turn towards Salon Stolz’s entrance. Salon Stolz’s ground guidance system connects to the public tactile paving guidance system and takes you to our entrance.

On your left, there is a tactile building plan of Salon Stolz. It is located on a slight incline atop a pillar at touch height.

With this tactile model, you can learn more about the premises and what awaits you.

Our ground guidance system will lead you past the main entrance and through all the inner rooms and areas.

Following the ground guidance system, you will reach the ticket office on your left. You can get more information here.

Visitors with a wheelchair or walking aid

Salon Stolz is fully accessible by wheelchair or a walking aid.

Where necessary, there are roll-under stations. There are numerous other seating options with and without a standing aid or armrest.

There is a reading corner in the Study with upholstered furniture.

On the ground floor is a lift that takes you up to the second exhibition level.

There are also two barrier-free bathrooms.

The park and the sculpture by Markus Wilfling are accessible with a wheelchair or walking aid as well.

Visitors with intellectual or general learning disabilities

You can discover Salon Stolz with all your senses: you can hear, feel, touch and sometimes even see the music.

All information is provided in plain language.

Salon Stolz wants visitors to interact and actively engage with the exhibits.

All offers in Salon Stolz are easy to understand.

Visitors on the Autism Spectrum

Salon Stolz is a quiet place.

The premises are open and organised so you can quickly find your way around.

There is also a quiet reading corner.

Salon Stolz offers many sense-driven experiences that can be discovered independently.

For groups of 15 people or more, there is a reduced entrance fee to the dance theater. Furthermore, the accompaniment of the group by our guides is included. If you would like to visit Salon Stolz as a group, you must make a reservation beforehand.

This is what groups can experience at Salon Stolz:

A visit to the exhibition is possible for groups with a prior reservation from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m.

Dance show
If you want to experience the dance show with a group, you must make a group reservation. Please let us know your desired date by phone, e-mail or using the booking form. The date for the dance theatre must be reserved at least 6 weeks before the desired visit.

You can find our workshop offer here: Workshops & programmes. Workshops can be booked as a group.

You can find our ticket prices here: Tickets & Reservations


Friday to Saturday at 4 p.m.

Dance Theatre Melodia

A dance theater to watch and participate in.
Two dancers tell the story of Robert Stolz through dance. The combination of image projections, music and dance makes the dance theater a very special experience. Dancing along is encouraged!

English subtitles can also be shown on request.

Every Tuesday at 5 p.m.

Music and Dance on Tuesday

Every Tuesday at 5 p.m. you can try out inclusive workshops on music, instruments, rhythms and dance.

Every Saturday at 2:30 p.m.

Try it on Saturday

We invite you and your family to a creative musical workshop every Saturday at 2.30 pm!

Concerts, festivals and more

A Guest in the Salon

Wednesday is concert day! On selected Wednesday afternoons, external artists perform classical music in all its variations.
Please note: The museum area is closed during the concerts.

We also regularly host exciting festivals, performances and other music and dance events!


Theodor-Körner-Straße 67
8010 Graz

Phone number
+43 316 872 7700

    At Salon Stolz, you will meet …

    Maria Lackner

    Operational Manager

    Andrea Gande

    Music education

    Jessica Birke

    Press & Marketing

    Reservations &

    Robert Stolz

    Robert Stolz (Graz, 1880 – Berlin, 1975) was a passionate composer and conductor. He adapted his music to the style of the time and remained successful for many decades. He wrote operettas, film music, ice revues and approximately 2,000 individual songs.

    Graz, Vienna, Berlin, Paris and New York City were important places throughout his life.

    As a young musician, Robert Stolz conducted for the Graz Opera and later worked in Maribor, in Salzburg, in Brno and in Mannheim. In 1905, he moved to Vienna and began to do what he loved most in the world: composing. He even ran a small theatre in Vienna, albeit not very successfully. Stolz moved to Berlin in 1924. Once sound film began to conquer the world, Stolz successfully composed numerous film scores. In 1936, he left Berlin and moved back to Vienna. Before the outbreak of World War II, he travelled to Paris. In 1940, Robert Stolz fled Europe to start a new life in New York City together with his fifth wife Yvonne Louise Ulrich, better known as Einzi. From then on, Einzi became the most important person in his life.

    In 1942, the German Reich stripped Robert Stolz of his German nationality and he lost his entire fortune. Much like in the beginning of his career, he found himself back at the conductor’s stand and very successfully performed classical Viennese operettas. His concert tour “A Night in Vienna” was very popular. While living in the United States, his music became louder and more bombastic, more American. Ultimately, Stolz was nominated for two Academy Awards for his film scores. Despite his remarkable success, he returned to Vienna after the end of World War II. He allowed his music to be re-arranged many times over and to be adapted to what was popular at the time. This was the secret to his success. Countless versions of his songs were created. Stolz continued to work energetically, even later in life. He created recordings for gramophones, TV appearances and ice revues.

    In 1965, at the age of 85, he celebrated one of his greatest successes: he was given the chance to conduct “Die Fledermaus” (The Bat) by Johann Strauß at the Vienna State Opera. Up until his last days, he loved nothing more than to compose and conduct. His music remains present here and there, anchored in many ears and even more hearts.

    Foto of Robert Stolz

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